If your credit is less than perfect or you have no credit history at all, you understand how difficult it can be to get an auto loan. You’ve finally found the right vehicle, only to be told that “you don’t qualify” or “you’re not approved” and then sent on your way.
Germain Toyota of Columbus understands that all problems have solutions if you only work hard enough to overcome them. It’s true that having bad credit or no credit history at all can make it more difficult to get a loan, but our finance department specializes in helping those with no credit or bad credit get approved thanks to the relationships we have with dozens of local banks and lenders. At Germain Toyota of Columbus, we’re here to help you get approved for the car or truck you want!
Having bad credit shouldn’t be the only thing standing between you and your new vehicle. It doesn’t mean that you can’t get a car loan, only that you need to work with a specialized lender that can customize a loan to suit your situation. These lenders are usually small and are able to offer loans which meet your individual needs (similar to a credit union).
Fortunately, Germain Toyota of Columbus maintains close relationships with a variety of banks and specialized credit unions, meaning we can arrange a great car loan for you — no matter what your credit situation looks like.
Ready to get started? We have 3 different options to help get you behind the wheel of the Toyota vehicle you’ve had your eyes on.
Take a moment to browse our extensive inventory of new Toyota vehicles and pre-owned cars inventory. Once you’ve chosen the vehicle that you’re interested in, click the red “Get E-Price” button. You can also use the helpful Payment Calculator found on each vehicle listing to get an idea of your monthly payments would look like. One of our friendly and knowledgeable Toyota sales consultants will contact you to help get the process started.
Visit our Finance Department on our website and fill out our application for financing. Our team of finance experts will then begin working to secure you a loan or lease on a new vehicle. Click the link below to get started!
Still looking for assistance with applying for financing? Simply fill out the form below and a member of our Finance Department will contact you shortly to gather some basic information in order to help get you in a car you love that also makes sense for your budget.